



选择 TOEFL iBT® 旅程中的任何步骤,了解更多信息。



Get ready for your test at an authorized TOEFL iBT test center.


ID 要求和测试中心程序

Be sure to review the ID Requirements and read the TOEFL iBT® Information Bulletin (PDF) for complete information on prohibited items, check-in procedures and testing procedures, so you’ll know exactly what to expect on test day.

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  • 办理登机手续并出示您的 ID
  • 考试安全程序
  • Using your headset and microphone
  • 参加考试
  • Viewing your Reading and Listening scores
  • Receiving your official score date
  • 取消分数的可选方式




预约前一天(24 小时),登录您的 ETS 账户,以确认您的注册详情没有变化(例如,与原计划不同的时间或建筑物)。

Bring valid, acceptable identification (ID) to the test center. Check with your test center regarding any local mandates regarding masks, proof of vaccination, or other policies.



我们建议您携带至少两种形式的 ID,以防测试管理员质疑您出示的第一个 ID。See ID Requirements for a list of valid and acceptable ID.

如果您没有携带有效和可接受的 ID,或者 ID 上的姓名与您的帐户中的姓名不精确匹配,您将无法参加测试,并且您的测试费用将不予退还。



确保至少在考试开始前 30 分钟到达,以便有时间办理签到手续。有关检查期间和测试会话期间的所有测试中心程序,请参阅公告



测试安全性对 ETS 非常重要。测试中心必须遵守一些政策和程序,以确保测试得到公平和安全的管理。如果您未能遵循测试中心工作人员的指示,您将无法进行测试,并且您的测试费用将不予退还。在测试期间或休息期间违反安全程序可能导致被解雇和/或取消您的测试分数。您可以查看Bulletin中的所有安全政策和程序。

At the end of the test, your Reading and Listening sections are scored instantly. These unofficial scores can give you an idea of how you did on the test. You can then choose to report or cancel your scores. See the Bulletin for details on what to consider before canceling.

At the end of the test, the date that you can expect to receive your official scores will be displayed. It will also be shown in your ETS account.

You did it! Now give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done and share your achievement with the world.

TOEFL Takers who have successfully completed a TOEFL iBT test on or after 六月 1, 2024, will be issued an official TOEFL iBT badge to share on their social media pages. Approximately 24 hours after successfully completing your TOEFL iBT you will receive an email to the address listed in your account explaining how to redeem your official TOEFL iBT badge. 

Wear it proudly! You earned it.

You can use this badge on the following platforms: Buffer, Draugiem, Evernote, Facebook, FB Messenger, Flipboard, Hacker News, KakaoStory, Line, Linkedin, Odnoklassniki, Pinterest, Pocket, Reddit, Renren, Skype, Snapchat, Telegram, Tumblr, Viber, Vkontakte, WeChat, Weibo, WhatsApp, Workplace, X (formerly Twitter), Xing and Yummly.

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