



选择 TOEFL iBT® 旅程中的任何步骤,了解更多信息。


了解您的 TOEFL iBT 分数

What your scores mean


  • 每个部分的得分分数范围为 0–30。
  • 相加总数范围为 0–120。



技能 水平

高级 (24–30)
中上级 (18–23)
中下级 (4–17)
下级 (0–3)


高级 (22–30)
中上级 (17–21)
中下级 (9–16)
下级 (0–8)


高级 (25–30)
中上级 (20–24)
中下级 (16–19)
初级 (10–15)
下级 (0–9)


高级 (24–30)
中上级 (17–23)
中下级 (13–16)
初级 (7–12)
下级 (0–6)


有关更多信息,请参阅 TOEFL iBT®测试的性能描述符(PDF)


Enhanced score reporting

After you take your TOEFL iBT test, you’ll receive more than just a score. TOEFL iBT enhanced score reporting provides you with personalized feedback and performance insights to help you focus future studying efforts and realize your academic dreams. You’ll receive:

  1. Your proficiency level for each section of the test.
  2. Feedback on which Reading and Listening question types you’ve successfully demonstrated, and which are still developing.
  3. A closer look at your Speaking and Writing skills, with insights into your language use, grammar, mechanics and more.
  4. Sample high-scoring Speaking and Writing responses with explanations to help you practice and improve.

Additional Score Details

Enhanced TOEFL iBT score reporting information is available for tests taken on 十月 28, 2023 and beyond1. You can access your personalized scoring feedback and insights in your ETS account.


TOEFL 项目或 ETS 没有设置及格或不及格分数。每个机构或组织自行设定成绩要求。关于如何使用或解释您的分数的更多信息,请直接联系该机构或组织。

What you’ll see when you get your score report

Score reports now feature a more modern, visually intuitive design. You can download a PDF copy of your score report from your ETS account.

TOEFL iBT test taker score reports sent from 十一月 13, 2023 look like this:

An image of a sample TOEFL iBT paper score report, showing test taker information, test day scores, and MyBest scores


TOEFL iBT test taker score reports sent before 十一月 13, 2023 look like this:

An image of an older sample TOEFL iBT paper score report, showing test taker information, test day scores, and MyBest scores




Play video button Video About MyBest scores

MyBest® 分数(或超分数)通过结合过去 2 年内所有测试日期的最高部分分数来显示您的最佳整体表现。This means you may be able to meet score requirements for your institution with fewer tests and reach your goals sooner.



What MyBest scores look like

所有 TOEFL iBT 分数报告均显示从您所选考试日期开始的传统成绩和您的 MyBest 分数,如下所示:

Test Dates Scores sample contains the reading, listening, speaking, writing and total scores. And MyBest Scores sample contains a summary of all their valid TOEFL scores in the last 2 years.

越来越多的大学和其他机构接受MyBest分数。我们建议您直接与各大院校联系以确认其 TOEFL 成绩要求。



TOEFL 考试仅由集中评分网络评分,而不是由考试中心评分。Reading 和 Listening 部分由计算机评分。The Speaking and Writing sections are scored by a combination of AI scoring and multiple, highly trained human raters to:

  • 完整、准确地描述您的能力
  • 最大限度减少面谈中可能出现的评分者偏见
  • 确保一致性和最高质量


Who accepts Home Edition scores

View the list of institutions that accept TOEFL iBT Home Edition scores.

1 Not available for TOEFL iBT tests taken at a test center in Mainland China.

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