

Video duration: 2:47




Animated story.


主持人:Here's what to expect when you take your TOEFL iBT test at the test center on the computer. 抵达后,您将在接待区出示您的身份证明。您需要存储除您的 ID 外的所有个人物品。

当您被要求办理登机手续时,测试中心管理员或 TCA 将验证您的 ID。然后,TCA 将进行例行安全检查,以确认您没有任何违禁物品。Next, you will have your photo taken. And you may also be required to provide a voice sample.

Then you will read and sign a confidentiality agreement. TCA 将审查测试的规则和程序,并回答任何问题。您将收到用于做笔记的划痕纸和铅笔。You can request more during the test if you need it.

Then you will be escorted to your test station. 出于安全目的,对测试室进行密切监控。在您的屏幕上,您将看到您的个人信息和照片。按照指示在本节中移动。

接下来,您将被要求进行麦克风检查。Put on your headset and follow the directions to speak into the microphone. 现在你可以开始测试了。

完成测试时,请遵循每个部分的指示。You can click Help to get tips for navigating the test.


Top right corner.



前两个部分是reading和listening。对于这些部分,您将在屏幕上选择您的答案。Next is the speaking section. 说话时,请务必像检查麦克风时一样放置麦克风。

The last section is writing, where you will type your responses on the computer. 考试结束时,您的阅读和听力部分会立即获得评分。这些非官方的分数可以让您了解自己在考试中的成绩。You will also be given the date you can expect to receive your official scores. Then you will be asked if you want to report or cancel your scores.

如果您选择取消您的分数,您的测试将不会获得分数,您也不会收到分数报告或退款。When you're done bring everything back to the check-in area and retrieve your personal belongings. Now go out and enjoy the rest of your day.


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