如何创建 ETS 帐户


Video duration: 2:33




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Website landing page.


With an ETS account, you can register for a TOEFL test, buy test prep, view your scores, order score reports, and more.




在创建帐户之前,请确保您拥有当前有效的身份证明文件。检查您要进行测试的地点的 ID 要求,因为要求可能有所不同。




现在让我们开始吧。From the login page, select the Create an Account button.


At bottom.


创建个人资料的第一个也是最重要的部分是输入您的姓名。The name in your account must exactly match the name on your identification documents, excluding any accent marks.


He scrolls down.


Continue with your gender, date of birth, user name and password, address, phone, and email. 然后,您可以选择从ETS接收有用的短信和电子邮件。


Check boxes.


Next, you'll be asked for your native language, country of citizenship, and country of birth. When you're done, click Continue.


Bottom right.


然后,您可以注册TOEFL Search Service。This free service allows universities to send you information about programs, scholarships, fellowships, and other educational opportunities that you might not know about. Choose Yes or No, and enter any requested background information. 如果您的计划发生变化,您可以稍后在您的帐户中更新此信息。Then click Continue.


Bottom right.


Almost done. 在“审核并提交”页面上,确认您输入的所有信息均正确无误。Pay careful attention to your name, gender, and date of birth because those items cannot be easily changed later. Scroll down. Review everything. Check the box to acknowledge the terms and conditions, and then click Submit.


Bottom right.


就是这样。查找来自 ETS 的确认电子邮件。既然你有一个帐户,你可以注册一个测试。


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