



选择 TOEFL iBT® 旅程中的任何步骤,了解更多信息。



If you’re planning to take the TOEFL iBT Home Edition, review and confirm that you meet these requirements before registering for a smoother test day experience. If you don't meet these requirements on test day, you won't be able to test. In that event, you won’t receive a refund or a free reschedule.

Download the ETS Secure Browser by selecting one of the links below.

Then run the file to complete the installation. While in the browser, click the Equipment Check button to confirm that your equipment is ready for test day.

View the screenshots below to learn what you can expect when running the ETS Secure Browser.


Screenshot of a website welcome page showing confirmation that the ETS Secure Browser has been successfully installed. Includes a prominent call-to-action button inviting users to run an Equipment Check for optimal performance.

Once you open the ETS Secure Browser, you’ll be brought to this welcome screen. From here, you can run the Equipment Check.


Screenshot showing the results of the Equipment Check when some part of the equipment has failed. One or more icons representing a webcam, microphone, system, network, and software will include a red triangle. Tips for troubleshooting the problem can be found below

Upon completion of the Equipment Check, you’ll see the status of your equipment. If any parts have failed, you’ll see a red triangle status indicator, as well as tips for how to resolve the problem.

设备检查包括带宽检查。Since bandwidth differs depending on time of day and network usage, run the equipment check at several different times to see which time works best. 此外,您应该在考试的一周中同一天和一天中的同一时间运行检查。这样,您就可以在类似于测试时体验的环境中检查带宽。观看有用的技术提示视频


Screenshot showing the results of the Equipment Check when all equipment has passed the requirements check. Icons representing a webcam, microphone, system, network, and software all include a green checkmark

When you have successfully passed the equipment check, you’ll arrive at the Congratulations page.

If your check fails and you can't resolve the issues yourself, visit Equipment Check Support for troubleshooting tips.


  • 台式机或笔记本电脑;您不能使用平板电脑或移动设备。
  • 只可以有一台显示器或屏幕;不允许使用多台显示器或双屏幕。
  • Only one keyboard; multiple keyboards are not permitted.
  • 经批准的操作系统,必须获得许可。不允许使用未获得许可或测试模式的版本。
    • PC: Windows operating system, version 10 or higher
    • MAC: Mac OS X® 10.13 or higher
  • Chrome Chrome Chrome 或 Firefox® 浏览器。

  • Use an internal or external speaker to take your test and hear the proctor.
  • 不允许使用头戴式耳机或耳麦。

  • Use an internal or external microphone that isn't part of a headset to take your test and communicate with the proctor.
  • Headsets or earphones aren’t allowed.

  • A separate webcam, or a camera that is built into the computer or monitor screen, is allowed.
  • You’ll need to be able to move the camera to show the proctor a 360-degree view of the room, including your tabletop surface and the area below it, before the test.

  • Other devices taking up bandwidth can cause issues during your test. Be aware of other devices that are using significant internet bandwidth when you conduct your equipment check and on test day.
  • Close all browsers and applications that you don’t need for the test. 这有助于防止您在考试时出现带宽问题。
  • 在考试之前禁用任何屏幕共享或远程访问软件。You’ll need to keep this software disabled throughout the test and set it so that the software won’t open automatically during the test.


  • 你需要独自呆在一个房间里,没有其他人在测试期间进入。
  • 您不能在公园、网吧或餐馆等公共场所参加考试。
  • 在开始测试之前,您需要关闭房间内的所有门。

  • 您的电脑和键盘需要放在桌子或其他桌面上。
  • 请将您的桌椅摆放在监考人员可以看到房间门的位置。监考人员可能会要求您在办理签到手续时执行此操作。
  • The tabletop and surrounding area need to be clear of all items not approved for use during the test, including cell phones (except when used for check in; after check in, you should put it away somewhere inaccessible), cameras, notes and study materials. 房间内的家具和装饰不需要去除。
  • 你需要坐在标准椅子上;你不能坐在床上或躺在床上,沙发或过塞的椅子上。
  • 考试期间不允许饮食。

  • Your ears and face need to remain visible throughout the test, not covered by a hat, hair or other items. 允许佩戴宗教头饰,只要在考试期间仍然可以看到您的耳朵。在办理签到手续或在家考试期间不得戴面罩。
  • 为您的考试穿着得体的服装。监考人员将通过摄像头监控您,您的照片将发送给接收您分数的机构。
  • 您需要在检查前取下所有耳机、智能手表、口罩、珠宝、领带夹、袖扣、装饰性发夹、梳子、发夹、发带和其他发饰。您无需取下结婚戒指和订婚戒指。

  • For security purposes, you may not take notes on paper.
  • 您可以使用以下其中一项做笔记:
    • 一个带有可擦除标记的小型桌面白板,无铅笔或笔
    • 透明保护片内的一张纸,带可擦除标记
  • 在考试结束时,您需要向监考人员展示所有笔记已擦除。
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