

GRE® 受试者测试


选择一个步骤,详细了解您的 GRE® 受试者测试旅程。



知道在家进行测试时会发生什么将有助于确保您准备好在测试日尽力而为。Review this information to learn about the at home testing procedures for a GRE Subject Test, including the materials you'll need and how to prepare the room where you'll test.


查看 GRE® 信息公告了解更多信息,包括取消您的分数和从测试中被解雇。


测试安全性对 ETS 非常重要。There are policies and procedures that proctors must follow to ensure the test is administered fairly and securely. 如果您未能遵循监考员的指示,您将无法进行测试,并且您的测试费用将不予退还。在测试期间或休息期间违反安全程序可能导致被解雇和/或取消您的测试分数。您可以查看Bulletin中的所有安全政策和程序。

Download the ETS Secure Browser by selecting one of the links below.

Then run the file to complete the installation. Once you open the ETS Secure Browser, you’ll be brought to this welcome screen. From here, you can run the Equipment Check. Upon completion of the Equipment Check, you’ll see the status of your equipment. If any parts have failed, you’ll see a red triangle status indicator, as well as tips for how to resolve the problem.

  • 所有问题必须在您的预约时间之前解决。
  • 关闭考试时不需要的所有浏览器和应用程序。这有助于防止您在考试时出现带宽问题。
  • 确保家中任何其他使用互联网的设备没有运行。
  • 在考试之前禁用任何屏幕共享或远程访问软件。必须在整个考试期间保持禁用状态,并且应设置为使软件在考试期间不会自动打开。
  • 收集考试所需的材料。(禁止使用所有其他材料。)
    • 护照或其他可接受的身份证件
    • 可以在监考人员的视线内擦除的可接受的笔记材料,例如白板或透明塑料板
    • Cellphone or handheld mirror for check in
  • 确保您的考试区域满足所有环境要求,包括:
    • 安静且光线充足的房间。
    • 桌子和周围区域很清楚。
    • 请将您的桌椅摆放在监考人员可以看到房间门的位置。
  • 确保您穿着得体,监考人员可以看到您的耳朵和脸。避免佩戴任何首饰或其他配饰。
  • 在整个测试过程中,您的耳朵必须保持可见,而不是被头发、帽子或其他物品覆盖。允许佩戴宗教头饰,只要在考试期间仍然可以看到您的耳朵。在办理签到手续或在家考试期间不得戴面罩。

  • Up to 15 minutes prior to your appointment time, click the link located in your test appointment ETS confirmation email or in the ETS registration system. You'll have up to 12 minutes after your scheduled start time to begin your check in or your test will be canceled and your fee will not be refunded.
  • Click the button to begin your session.
  • 完成身份验证步骤,包括向监考人员出示您的身份证件。您 ID 上的姓名必须与您的帐户上的姓名一致。
  • 监事将:
    • 查看检查规则并请求访问您的计算机屏幕以进行监控。
    • 要求您使用手持镜子或手机来显示您的计算机屏幕。
    • 要求您使用计算机上的摄像头来显示房间的 360 度全景,包括桌面表面。
    • Ensure the ETS Secure Browser is downloaded and launched.
  • Expect the check in process to take approximately 20 minutes.

You may be asked to provide a voice sample before the test begins.

Your entire test session will be recorded and monitored by a human proctor, and your photo will be taken.


  • 在考试期间,监考人员将监控您(通过摄像头)和您的电脑屏幕,以确保您遵守所有考试程序。
  • 确保监考员可以在相机上看到您。可疑动作可能会导致您的考试无效。
  • If you need to contact the proctor during your test, speak to get their attention and/or use the chat. 监考人员可能需要 30-60 秒才能回复。
  • If the proctor is attempting to chat with you, there will be an audio signal from the chat function.
  • At the end of the test session, the proctor will ask you to erase the whiteboard or transparency sleeve and hold it up to the camera, showing the front and back.
  • Submit the exam, and then close the ETS Secure Browser.
  • Once disconnected from the chat, you have an opportunity to participate in a brief survey.


If you experience a technical problem during the test, notify the proctor by speaking out loud or via the chat function.

如果您暂时失去互联网连接,当您的连接恢复时,您将自动重新连接到监考人员。如果您的考试可以重新打开,您的监考人员会为您重新打开。If you aren't able to reconnect and speak to the proctor, reinitiate the check in process to reconnect to the proctor.



  • 请勿使用任何未经授权的材料,包括移动设备、预先编写的笔记或教科书。
  • 严禁使用任何类型的个人录制设备。
  • 在测试之前,您必须禁用任何屏幕共享或远程访问软件(例如 Apple Remote Desktop 的 Twitter、Microsoft Teams 的 Twitter、Skype 的 Twitter、TeamViewer 的 Twitter 和 Zoom 的 Zoom 的 Twitter)。这些软件必须在整个考试期间保持禁用状态。确保软件在测试期间不会自动打开。
  • 不要与监事以外的任何人交流。
  • 在您的考试过程中可能会提到使用耳机的指令。忽略以下几点:headsets are not allowed when taking a GRE Subject Test at home.
  • There are no breaks in a GRE Subject Test. 不允许在家测试期间出现计划外休息。

ETS 会监控设备和考试地点重复用于未经授权的目的。频繁、不当地重复使用共享的考试设备和公共考试地点可能会导致您的分数被延误和/或取消,并且可能会影响您将来参加 ETS 考试的资格。



If you choose to report your scores, they’ll be available in your ETS account and sent to the score recipients you chose during registration on the score reporting date for your test administration.

If you don't choose your score recipients during registration, you can order score reports later for a fee.

What if I fail the Equipment Check?

您必须解决所有问题(以红色显示)并在签到参加考试之前通过设备检查。If you can’t resolve the issues yourself, visit Equipment Check Support for troubleshooting tips.



  • Run the Equipment Check from the ETS Secure Browser at the time of day you plan to test to make sure you do not have any bandwidth issues.
  • 在您的考试正式开始前不久运行最终设备检查。
  • 关闭考试时不需要的所有浏览器和应用程序。这有助于防止您在考试时出现带宽问题。
  • 确保您家中使用互联网的任何其他设备都没有运行。

For additional information and troubleshooting help, visit the ETS confirmation email or login to your GRE account.



If you have technical issues immediately before your test, please use the contact information found in your ETS confirmation email.



Your equipment will be checked by the proctor before you begin the test. The timer for your test will not start until after your equipment is checked and you begin the test.



If you have a technical issue during your test, speak and wave to get the proctor’s attention. If your issue prevents you from speaking to the proctor, notify the proctor via the chat function.




If you can’t reconnect to your test or speak to the proctor, reinitiate the check-in process.

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